Communication Network - Nº20 - page 51

Suffolk’s HWRCs are managed by
FCC Environment on behalf of Suffolk
County Council and they collectively
reused or recycled over 81% of all
waste during 2012, and have over
one million visitors per year across
the 11 sites.
In a tri-party scheme between Suffolk Cou-
nty Council, waste contractor FCC Envi-
ronment and eco-firm Living Fuels, resi-
dents are being encouraged to recycle their
used cooking oil at any one of the county’s
11 household waste recycling centres
(HWRCs) in a bid to divert waste from dra-
ins. A donation for each litre collected bet-
ween July and September will go to not-
for-profit organization St John Ambulance.
Water companies in the UK currently spend
15 million pounds a year clearing used coo-
king oil from their drains and 75% of the
200,000 drain clearance call outs each year
can be attributed to waste cooking oil clog-
ging up drains and pipes.
Simon Hale, FCC Environment Regional
Operations Manager, said: “This is a really
important initiative that supports Suffolk’s
Greenest County aspiration and will bring
significant sustainability benefits, firstly
through the avoidance of potential environ-
mental damage and secondly by the gene-
ration of valuable renewable energy. We’re
also confident that the people of Suffolk are
up for the challenge of helping such a great
Cash for the NGO St John’s Ambulance
thanks to recycled cooking oil
Once collected, the used cooking oil is
taken to Living Fuels’ state-of-the-art re-
covery facility in Thetford and recovered
naturally into an environmentally friendly
bioliquid, LF100. This bioliquid is then used
in the company’s renewable energy faci-
lities to generate carbon neutral electricity
for the National Grid, helping to lower the
An innovative new
charity drive which
encourages residents to
recycle their used cooking oil
into cash for charity whilst at
the same time increasing the
area’s green credentials was
launched last July.
UK’s reliance on fossil fuel derived energy
Just one litre of used cooking oil can pro-
vide enough renewable electricity to make
240 cups of tea, and one full recycling tank
can power the average home for an entire
As the nation’s leading first aid charity,
St John Ambulance believes that nobo-
dy should die because they needed first
aid and didn’t get it. Yet every year, up to
140,000 people die in situations where first
aid could have given them a chance to live.
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