Communication Network - Nº20 - page 49

s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y
has contributed nearly 200 million euros for
than 6,700 projects in England, Scotland
and Wales.
Mike Snell, the head of FCC Environment
external affairs managers and a director
of WREN over the past 13 years said that
“WREN is focusing exclusively on provi-
ding significant benefits to the communities
through tax deductions from landfill sites
owned by FCC Environment. The projects
can contribute significant improvements in
the quality of life of people”.
“We are proud of the work that is being ca-
rried out by WREN. It is important to point
out that WREN has accumulated enormous
experience in the efficient management and
delivery of funds for projects thereby ensu-
ring that communities receive the greatest
possible value from LCF”, he stated.
WREN has three specific funding streams:
the community, improving important infras-
tructures in towns and villages; biodiversity
by conservation of natural surroundings in
woodlands, and historic heritage, preser-
ving old and historic buildings.
Froncyssyllte Community Centre.
WREN financed the refurbishment of the centre.
Froncysyllte township in Wales.
Froncysyllte is a small rural centre without
stores or post offices; the community centre is
crucial for the village’s social activities.
WREN funded the BMX cycling venue at the
March Tracks centre in Rhyl, in northern Wales.
The facilities provide the opportunity for a variety
of recreational and riding and other types of
sports, totally inclusive with access
for everyone.
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