Communication Network - Nº20 - page 40

FCC Construction teams in Portugal
l n t e r t v i e w
Pablo López Marzo,
Technical and Production Manager
of the Transmotana Motorway
For Pablo López Marzo,
the Transmontana
is an interesting
project at a particularly
interesting time
What would you highlight about this pro-
We carried out the main execution work on
this motorway in two years; a short period
if we consider that we had to work with the
motorway open for traffic. Also, we had to
build 17 special viaducts, including the uni-
que Corgo viaduct which has a central ca-
ble-stayed section that is 300 metres long,
consisting of 88 struts built by BBR provi-
ding an innovative system that improves the
durability of these struts.
How were you able to execute the project
so quickly?
Teamwork was very important. Three com-
panies worked on the project: FCC, RRC
and Soarse da Costa, and we were able
to remain united and complete this project,
working up to 2,500 people at peak produc-
tion. This has meant that we had to over-
come difficult moments which were resolved
thanks to the good rapport among all the
parties involved in the project.
What value does this project have for ci-
There are many positive aspects since it
connects all of northern Portugal with the
Tras-os-Montes region, enhances road sa-
fety and reduces travel time. The new mo-
torway is expected to reduce the accident
rate by half and driving distance between
the most important cities in the region and
Oporto by 40%.
What has this experience meant for you?
For me, it is a very special project because of
its size and, basically, because of the mana-
gement efforts required to execute it.
How was the collaboration with the local
Very good. The road crosses the districts of
Vila Real, Mirandela, Murça and Bragança
with which we had a very close relations-
hip during the work execution phase. The
Chamber of Commerce of Murça erected a
monument to all the people who made the
Transmontana motorway possible because
of all that it means for this interior region,
now connected to Europe.
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