Communication Network - Nº20 - page 34

The Parks and Gardens Department
of Cartagena’s City Council has a workforce of
79 employees of whom six have mental
disabilities and another six physical disabilities.
R e ma r k s
At another spot in the city, in Parque de la
Rosa, we find Patricio, Jose, and Andrés, on
top of a scaffold pruning the bougainvillaea.
They are part of the mobile crew assigned to
different locations and their physical disabili-
ty does not prevent them from doing a good
job since, as Pedro Cifuentes told us, once
the work tools have been adapted, their per-
formance is the same as anybody else’s.
All of them expressed their satisfaction for
the opportunity that FCC provided by offe-
ring them a job which has contributed to fa-
cilitating their integration in the job market.
Pedro commented that real integration had
been achieved and that the most important
thing was that this should become a normal
and everyday affair and a triumph for all.
“l would not change my job for anything in the world”.
“l’m very happy about the opportunity
that the company gave me”.
“My friends are asking me where they have to send their
CVs; they want to have a job like mine”.
“l want to keep on learning”.
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