Communication Network - Nº20 - page 57

w e l l - b e i n g
Special Personal mention for a professional
Ángel Luis Sánchez Sánchez,
of FCC’s General Services is in charge of main-
tenance and conservation work at corporate buildings. He also coordinates all project
activities carried out in the building.
Strict in applying prevention and safety principles, with initiative and involvement, he
spreads among his colleagues, personnel under his responsibility and other external per-
sonnel the benefits of work that is safe and well-done.
Paul Stokes,
of FCC Environment. He is responsible for Safety, Health, Quality, and the
Environment at the Company in the United Kingdom.
Responsible for various initiatives that were submitted in other categories for these prizes,
he leads the change towards a culture of occupational safety in his surroundings. His pas-
sion for positive safety and his strict procedures have made it possible to contribute impro-
vements to the business with the respect and commitment of management and workers.
Francisco Javier Suárez González,
of FCC Aqualia north regional office, Traina-
sa sewage system, Vigo.
A pioneer in the implementation of the prevention of occupational hazards culture at the
company, he goes far beyond his basic obligations as a worker in charge of the prevention
activity, implementing several novel technical measures, safe work processes in hazardous
activities, and management improvements.
Plant mobile lock off system, FCC Environment (UK)
Category: Technical R+D+i lnnovation
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