Communication Network - Nº20 - page 54

Eco-efficient management,
key item in
FCC Aqualia’s 7th CSR Report
FCC Aqualia just published its seventh Cor-
porate Social Responsibility Report (CSR)
which details all the measures that the
Company implemented throughout 2012
as part of its socially responsible manage-
ment activities. This edition of the report
focuses on the eco-efficiency concepts as
part of responsible resource management
where economic development can be, at
the same time, environmentally sustainable.
From the standpoint of how the information
is organised, the report contemplates the
CSR measures from different perspectives:
the company; its clients; its employees; the
environment; and, the community. The re-
sults is a plan aligned with FCC Aqualia’s
activities following the guidelines set out in
FCC’s CSR 2011-2014 Master Plan and
its commitment to offering sustainable and
responsible services.
The first point of the reports describes 2012
as being a year of consolidation and inter-
national recognition of FCC Aqualia. Global
Water Intelligence, the world’s leader in
water market analysis, places FCC Aqualia
as the third leading company in its sector
worldwide, providing services to more than
30 million people throughout the world and
to 36% of the indirect market in Spain.
In addition to the new projects that have
been awarded recently, such as “mana-
gement of the sewage network and waste
water treatment plant in Abu Dhabi’s east
district”, the company was also invited to
participate in international seminars and
projects such as the European Benchmar-
king Cooperation (EBC). It was also awar-
ded several international distinctions such
as the Water Deal of the Year 2012 award
for the conclusion of the “El Realito” fun-
ding project currently being carried out in
As to improving the quality of life of consu-
mers, the report details the implementation
and certification of FCC Aqualia’s Manage-
ment System in accordance with UNE-ISO
27001:2007 standards. This initiative gua-
rantees the security of customers’ informa-
tion contained in both FCC Aqualia’s con-
tact system as well as in the FCC Aqualia
online, the company’s main channels for
communications with its customers.
The fourth point of the report focuses on
employees, highlighting the company’s
best all-time record relating to the rate of
since the implementation in 2000 of its Sa-
fety and Health Management System.
Regarding the environment, all operating
units at FCC Aqualia have an environment
program in place to identify risks and mi-
nimise risks affecting the environment. In
2012, the company continued to wager
on R+D+i as the driving force for ongoing
improvement in its products and services,
offering the best quality, the least impact on
the environment, and the lowest possible
costs for its users.
The last point in the report describes all
the measures implemented to bolster FCC
Aqualia’s commitment to the communities
where it operates.
FCC Aqualia’s CSR report again obtai-
ned the highest score (A+) according to
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The
Spanish Standardisation and Certification
Association (Spanish acronym, AENOR)
was responsible for delivering the verifica-
tion to FCC Aqualia. In keeping with the
Company’s expansion and internationali-
sation strategy, the report was published in
Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
http://www.FCC Aqualia/
The document
received the highest
score (A+) pursuant to
the Global Reporting
lnitiative (GRl)
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