Communication Network - Nº20 - page 85

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The case of Millas
A beautiful example is Millas, the best
vaulting horse for individuals in 2012. In
that year he finished in 2nd place with
Adam Lukáč (junior men’s category) at
CVI in Stadl Fears (Austria) and in 1st
place with Viktoria Martinčeková (junior
women’s) at SVP in Šaľa (Slovakia). Mi-
llas is now recovering at the stud farm
following a difficult operation for a chip
inside the hoof joint on his right front
leg. Thanks to training on the hipotextil
surface, his health is improving and we
expect him to continue his promising ca-
reer after recovery.
Like other horses at the stud farm, Millas
is also used in the commendable pro-
gram of hippotherapy. For many years,
the Napajedla stud farm has been coo-
perating with the Sunshine Home for
Children and Adolescents in Otrokovice.
tic coating with stable, excellent anti-slip
and damping properties. “It is a very soft
and flexible surface, which really surprised
us, and since it doesn’t freeze, it reduces
the risk of injury to people and animals.”
This has been confirmed by veterinarians
Petr Eim and Tomáš Benko, who look after
the health of the horses. “Although we have
had this surface for only a short time, we
can see positive results. It minimizes vibra-
tions and therefore protects the joints and
ligaments of horses and ensures the total
safety and flexibility of their movements.”
And so old tires at the end of their motoring
career can connect two practically incom-
patible worlds and “do good deeds”. They
are further proof that the lifetime of products
need not end in the trash bin, container or
at a recycling centre.
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