Communication Network - Nº20 - page 81

t h e p l a c e
What is your opinion about companies
such as FCC that develop plans of ac-
tion that go beyond its labour force, in
issues as delicate and specialised such
as road safety?
I believe that training (for our employees,
children) on prevention is something that is
very necessary and positive. That is why
our Town Council will always support these
types of initiatives, either in the field of road
safety or on matters related to sustainable
The fact that FCC is developing these
plans is very satisfactory and reflects the
company’s commitment to Corporate So-
cial Responsibility.
What other activities is the Town council
contemplating, for the European Mobili-
ty Week, for example?
We have carried out activities in public ro-
ads, excluding automobile traffic, mainly
with bicycles, and have also organized
workshops, round-table discussions, and
dissemination campaigns on sustainable
What would you tell other Town Councils
to convince them on the need for inves-
ting and on carrying out educational and
training activities for the community?
What would you tell the citizens of Al-
cobendas or FCC employees to convin-
ce them to participate in the initiatives
being implemented by the City Council
and by the Company?
Drivers’ education is an investment that
saves many lives. Today’s children will be
driving on the roads tomorrow. It would
come as a surprise to many of us to reali-
se how many things are related to drivers’
education which we know nothing about.
We all play roles in our daily lives: we are
parent, sons and daughters, company
workers, civil servants, we have families,
friends, obligations, leisure time…and we
realise that many of our activities take pla-
ce on the road, a place shared by all of us,
either as drivers o pedestrians. The need
for sharing this common space makes it
necessary for us to be respectful and to
know the regulations and to be involved in
this task which is a task that is the respon-
sibility of all of us.
That is why it is worthwhile to participate
in these types of initiatives which also con-
tribute to the peaceful coexistence of our
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