Communication Network - Nº20 - page 80

José Félix Gómez Gómez,
General Director of the City Hall and Delegate for Citizen
Safety, Traffic, and Civil Protection
I n t e r v i
e w
Could we say that one of the strong
points of this agreement is the fact that
the administration and a private com-
pany are joining efforts to achieve a sha-
red objective that has a direct impact
on the community, such as the issue of
road safety and traffic accidents?
Certainly. The administration and compa-
nies must collaborate hand-in-hand in other
projects and the need for mutual coopera-
tion is certainly the case in those related to
Road Safety.
Since the Road Safety Park in Alcoben-
das is an example of driving and road
safety education, can you tell us if other
administrations or entities directly invol-
ved in road safety, such as the National
Traffic Department, have supported and
given recognition to this Park?
Since 1986, the Park has represented Al-
cobendas in 20 national traffic education
events and, also represented Spain in the
4th European Cup held in Dublin (Ireland)
in 1994 where it was awarded the second
Nationwide, the Park was awarded two first
prizes, two second prizes, one third prize, 4
fourth prizes, and 4 first prizes individually.
In respect of moped safety, it received three
first prizes, two second prizes, two third pri-
zes, four fourth prizes, and six first prizes
Besides contests and championships, it
was a topic of discussion in several semi-
nars and conventions by being mentioned
in communications and in presentations.
The last recognition was in February 2012
when it won the Spanish Road Safety
Can you give us some figures on the
means, resources, and users of the
Road Safety Park?
The human resources consist of three
members of the local police force and a
corporal in charge.
The facilities were recently refurbished and
made more comfortable. There is a new
blackboard, slide projector, video monitor,
signs and posters, more courses, etc. As
to traffic and driving equipment, we have 54
bicycles, two of which run on electricity, 20
Karts, 21 mopeds plus two electrical ones,
and a repair shop for keeping all vehicles in
perfect working order.
In short, the Park has all the resources ne-
cessary so that Road safety is part of our
children’s education, making them perceive
it as something that is fun and part of their
everyday lives.
About 60,000 children have visited the
Road Safety Park over the past 20 years,
including students from various public and
private schools in Alcobendas and nearby
cities and towns that have also asked to
participate in our Road Education courses.
This educational offering has been exten-
ded over the years to other groups (senior
citizens, young people taking recycling
courses, children with special needs, such
as those diagnosed with autism. , etc.).
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