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FCC Industrial and Fundación Seur sign the


“Caps for a new life”

FCC Industrial and Fundación Seur signed

a collaboration agreement to promote the

protection of the neediest children. The pro-

ceeds obtained by recycling caps will make

it possible to help and support minors who

are in need due to diseases that are not co-

vered by ordinary healthcare systems.

The project, known as “Caps for a new life”

is designed as an instrument to protect

the neediest or socially isolated children in

Spain and Portugal.

Pursuant to this agreement, FCC Indus-

trial as a socially responsible company has

installed two different points for collecting

caps in its Federico Salmón headquarters

in Madrid so that all employees and inter-

ested parties can contribute to this positive


Other initiatives

This initiative is part of the other actions

being carried out by FCC Industrial. Last

October, the “16 days of activism against

violence towards women and girls” was im-

plemented in Mexico to eradicate all types

of violence against woman and to have all

companies who operate with FCC Indus-

trial transmit to its employees the need to

achieve gender equality.

It is also worth noting that the Company

was awarded the equality seal last year, a

mark of excellence that stimulates and re-

cognises companies that are committed to

equality and which have implemented po-

licies aimed at promoting it throughout all

the corporate areas.

All of these actions, jointly with the re-

cently signed agreement, are in keeping

with the various elements comprising the

Company’s equality, diversity and social

responsibility policies.

Solidarity project

“Caps for a new life” is a solidarity project. It is also an environmen-

tal recycling project aimed at providing disadvantaged children medical

treatment not covered by the health system o materials to mitigate their

physical problems that they could not obtain by other means.

All began in 2011 when the family of Iker, a boy from Bilbao, went to Fun-

dación SEUR to transport the plastic caps that they had been collecting

locally and which, after delivering them to a recycling firm, would pay for

the children’s standing firm that Iker needed. Fundación SEUR achieved

its objective earlier than anticipated and was able to help this family. This

gave rise to the “Caps for a new life”


campaign which spread throughout

Spain and Portugal.