FCC supports membership of Asociación Española de
Directores de Recursos Humanos in the Foro Inserta
Responsable of the ONCE Foundation
The World Bank and Fundación Once invite
FCC Medio Ambiente
to a debate on social inclusion
Foro Inserta Responsable, co-financed by
the European Social Fund, is an online work
and social innovation forum that enables the
sharing of practices, tools and experiences
that promote the efficient development of
labour integration for talent with disabilities
and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
More than 80 companies and entities lea-
ders in their sector participate in Foro Inser-
ta Responsable. FCC’s representative, who
participates in this Forum, is Luis Suárez,
Human Resources Manager at FCC Medio
The chair of the Technical Committee for
Diversity of the Spanish Association of HR
Managers (AEDRH, Spanish acronym) and
the chair of HR at CBRE, Teresa Grana, and
the executive vice-chairman of Fundación
ONCE, Alberto Durán, were in charge of sig-
ning the membership of Fundación ONCE’s
Foro Inserta Responsable.
AEDRH’s membership was within the con-
text of a seminar held in Madrid under the
title “Strategic talent management as a sou-
rce of companies’ innovation and competiti-
veness”, was inaugurated by the secretary
and managing director of Inserta, Virginia
FCC’s representative in this forum, Luis Suá-
rez, manager of FCC Medio Ambiente’s Hu-
man Resources Department, said that at his
company, people with disabilities have been
integrated within the company for many
years. Thanks to this policy, “FCC Servicios
Medioambientales currently has hired more
than 800 people with at various companies”.
He added that “we dared to be innovative
and some of our contracts are reserved only
for people with disabilities, such as in a park
in Cartagena”. FCC has created a special
employment centre known as FCC Equal, a
company for the integration of people with
disabilities in the job market.
The World Bank and Fundación ONCE join
forces to promote the economic and so-
cial development of people with disabilities
through education, employment, skills deve-
lopment, training and accessibility, and uni-
versal design for everyone.
On 18 May, FCC Medio Ambiente was invi-
ted to participate in a meeting with the World
Bank and Fundación Inserta, chaired by
Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Global Disability
Advisor of the World Bank and formerly Pre-
sident Obama’s disability advisor, to debate
topics related to the inclusion of people with
Representing FCC was Pau Carmona, per-
sonnel manager of Barcelona Capital Medio
Ambiente; Eva Cardiel, head of Training and
Recruitment of the Barcelona Capital branch
of FCC Medio Ambiente, and Luis Suárez,
manager of Human Resources at FCC Ser-
vicios Medioambientales.
FCC reinforces its commitment to this groupof
people every day by carrying out actions and
projects to promote equality through work.
In collaboration with Fundación Once and in
relation to disability, Servicios Medioambien-
tales has been striving for labour integration
of people disabilities either directly through
the work carried out by branch offices such
as Barcelona Capital, as well as through the
X-Talent, a specific job website for people
with disabilities. This work is also carried out
through internship programs for graduates as
well as by collaborating in the training of future
professionals in the sectors where this busi-
ness unit conducts its activities, as expressed
to the representatives of the World Bank who
work in this field.
At the conclusion of the seminar and under
the theme, “There is no better experience
in life that putting oneself in the shoes of
others”, those who attended the event were
able to experience first hand the barriers fa-
ced by people with disabilities.