Cementos Portland Valderrivas and Flacema
organised a workshop on the environment and
sustainability for schoolchildren
Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group
(GCPV) and Fundación Laboral Andaluza del
Cemento y el Medio Ambiente (Andalusian
Cement and Environment Labour Founda-
tion, FLACEMA), comprising cement produ-
cers in Andalusia, and the most representa-
tive trade unions –MCA-UGT Andalucía and
CCOO Construcción y Servicios Andalucía-
organised a workshop on the environment
and sustainability for students from the Kin-
dergarten and Elementary School Ángeles
Martín Mateo in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville).
Two different workshops were organised on
sustainability issues of great interest: clima-
te change and recycling. During these days,
students were able to calculate their carbon
footprint and received advice on how to mi-
nimise it as much as possible. They were
told about the serious problem of waste in
our society and on the importance of hand-
ling it in an environmentally efficient, safe,
and responsible way.
The managing director of Flacema, Manuel
Parejo, and the head of the environment
at GCPV, Pedro Lanagrán, explained the
different actions conducted by the cement
industry in Andalusia aimed at sustainable
development, respect of the environment,
and the safety of people.
Advanced technology
In all of its production processes, Cementos
Portland Valderribas Group’s factory in Al-
calá de Guadaíra uses the most advanced
technologies for economic optimisation and
for the respectful care of the environment.
It has been operating in this municipality
for nearly 50 years and, despite the difficult
crisis affecting the sector in recent years, it
continues to wager on the future of this work
site which employees about 200 workers di-
rectly, in addition to the indirect jobs genera-
ted by the cement factory.