FCC announces the winners of the third edi-
tion of the Safety and Health Awards in its
three categories: Prevention of Occupational
Hazards; Promotion of Health; and the Pro-
fessional Career Prize.
These awards represent the recognition for
the exceptional work of those who are invol-
ved and make a noteworthy contribution in
relation to safety, health, and well-being in
work environment, to improve the lives of
people who work at FCC and for those who
live in the communities where the Company
The Evaluation Committee, whose members
are Santiago Lafuente Pérez-Lucas, mana-
ger of FCC Aqualia España; Jordi Payet Pé-
rez, managing director of FCC Medio Am-
biente; Santiago Farré Dot, manager of the
North Zone branch of FCC Construcción;
Ana Benita Aramendía, corporate manager
of the Legal, Labour Relations, and Health
Department of the FCC Group; Elena Blas-
co Martín, secretary of Occupational Health
of the trade union CCOO; Gustavo Vargas
Sánchez, secretary general of FITAG – UGT
trade union; Francisco Marqués Marqués,
deputy technical manager of the National
Institute of Safety and Health at Work (INS-
HT, Spanish acronym); and Antonio Guzmán
Córdoba, manager of Health Promotion at
Fundación Mapfre. The committee voted in
favour of the following nominations:
Prevention of Occupational Hazards
This prize recognises the commitment, with
proven efficacy, in managing the prevention
of occupational hazards, as defined by: sig-
nificant milestones, implemented processes,
entrepreneurial initiatives, and any other ini-
tiative that have contributed to risk control
and significant improvement in safety con-
The winners in this category were:
Technical measures/Initiatives:
FCC Environment for: The Mobile Plant
Pedestrian System (PWS).
Management Strategy:
FCC Aqualia for: Project for improving the
preventive culture.
Health Promotion Award
Recognition for promoting healthy values,
habits, and practices, contribution for impro-
ving the lives of people and self-care, and for
innovative alternatives for creating a healthier
The winning candidates who share this prize
• Andalucía II Medio Ambiente for: Healthy
• Aragón Medio Ambiente for: Cardiovascu-
lar and Road Safety Promotion.
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We already have the winners of the third
edition of the FCC Safety and Health Awards
Professional career award
Recognition for people who stand out for
their promotion and development of occu-
pational health and safety related activities
and services.
The award-winners are:
• Manuel Gonzalo Mateos Pavón, manager
of Section A, Line 2 of the Panama Metro.
• Javier Rubio Durán, manager of the FCC
Aqualia branch in Almeria.
• Marta Costa, manager of Industrial Eco-
deal (FCC Ámbito).
• Pablo Fuentes Marciel, head of the FCC
Medio Ambiente branch in Avila.
The scope of these awards covers all the
different business and production units, di-
visions, branches or zones, companies or
contracts and workplaces in any geogra-
phical region where FCC operates. The aim
is to stimulate and recognise the work and
dedication for achieving safety and health, to
highlight actions and results (application of
a job well done), and to disseminate, share,
and replicate good practices.
The number of nominations in this third edi-
tion increased in comparison with previous
ones. A total of 26 nominations were re-
ceived for the different categories: 16 from
Spain; 4 from the United Kingdom; 2 from
Panama; 1 from Portugal; and, 1 from Fin-
land. The Evaluation Committee encounte-
red great difficulty in assessing the nomina-
tions since they were all of great quality.