At FCC, we aim to be environmentally res-
ponsible and eco-efficient. Consequently,
as a continuation of the message by Carlos
M. Jarque, CEO of FCC, to all Group em-
ployees, we have launched the #ZeroPaper
campaign with the goal of using less paper
in our work.
The main objectives of this campaign to
reduce paper use are to establish environ-
mental best practices, help protect the envi-
ronment, and enhance the company’s cost
saving and sustainable economy policy.
The employees of FCC received, for six con-
secutive weeks, a message with tips that
you can apply in your day-to-day. We invite
you to support this project and apply the tips
provided by #ZeroPaper.
This campaign is a major challenge for the
company; we value your efforts to save, re-
cycle and reuse paper. For that reason, we
FCC starts campaign
to save and make
use of paper
would welcome any suggestions or best
practices; please send them to ceropapel@
fcc.esAt the end of the campaign, we will compi-
le your ideas and suggestions into a docu-
ment that will help us continue our progress
towards more efficient and rational use of