Special prize from Fundación Integra
after hiring 100 persons at risk of exclusion
FCC Construcción
again included in the
Carbon Footprint Register
The minister of Employment and Social
Affairs, Fátima Báñez, has awarded the FCC
Group one of the special prizes granted by
Fundación Integra on its 10th anniversary.
The prize recognises FCC Group’s involve-
ment and support in this project of the foun-
dation that has resulted in the hiring by FCC
FCC Construcción renewed its registration
in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the
Environment’s Register for the carbon foot-
print, compensation, and projects for absor-
bing CO
emissions (MAGRAMA), thereby
reaffirming its commitment to sustainability.
FCC was the first construction company to
register its carbon footprint in 2013 in the
MAGRAMA register and in the following two
years surpassed its reduction target.
The purpose of the seal is twofold: it makes
it easier for organizations to demonstrate
their participation in the register; and makes
it possible to reflect the degree of the com-
panies’ efforts in the fight against climate
FCC Construcción is currently participating
in the “One million for the climate” campaign,
an initiative the purpose of which is to rein-
force the overall commitment, adding up all
the individual and group actions that have
an impact on the climate to underscore the
urgency of an ambitious emission-reducing
policies to prevent the worse ecological,
economic, and social impacts of climate
of more than 100 persons at the risk of ex-
clusion or with some sort of disability.
Ana Botella, the chairperson of the Foun-
dation, gave FCC another award for joining
the Integra Commitment Project, a network
of companies and entities committed to so-
cially responsible employment. Thirty-one
companies and entities that are committed
to the inclusion in the workforce of persons
in a social exclusion situation have already
become part of this network.