FCC Industrial México:
“16 days of activism against
gender-based violence”
Coinciding with the International Day for the
Elimination of Violence against Women, FCC
Industrial Mexico launched the “16 days of
Activism against Violence against Women
and Girls”.
The tasks developed during the campaign
included the distribution of information lea-
flets, awareness seminars at the different
projects being developed by FCC Industrial
Mexico, information panels and seals, and
orange ribbons attached to the work clothes
of employees and vehicles. Orange-colou-
red insignia were also distributed to men and
women in the regions where FCC Industrial
conducts its activities.
The success of the campaign is based on
the collaboration of each and every worker
who adheres to the slogan “Violence against
women and girls can be eradicated”.
This campaign is in keeping with the equa-
lity and diversity policies developed by the
Company’s Human Resources Department
for the purpose of ensuring that employees
work in an environment that promotes equal
opportunities and effective equality.
Committed to equality
This year, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality awarded FCC In-
dustrial the Equality in the Company seal. This excellence seal is a stimulus and re-
cognition for organizations who are committed to equality and which have im-
plemented policies aimed and promoting it in every area of the company.
The award to FCC Industrial of this seal is the follow-up of the seal obtained in 2009 by
FCC Construcción, the first company in the sector that launched an equality plan.
The slogan
of the campaign:
“Violence against
women and girls can
be eradicated”