The employees in Oviedo
are extraordinarily committed to local
social actions
The FCC Aqualia team in Oviedo was con-
gratulated for the work carried out in the
International Children’s Drawing Contest
which has reached its 13th edition. In an
event held at the city’s Auditorium, the
members of the Aqualia team, headed by
their manager, Alfonso Tomás, received the
congratulations of Santiago Lafuente, the
national manager of Aqualia, who was ac-
companied by Juan Carlos Rey, manager of
the Zone I office, and by Francisco Delga-
do, manager of the North branch office.
The organizational efforts
Thanks to the organizational and promotio-
nal efforts of the team in Oviedo, the city
was, proportionally the one with the highest
number of registered participants. The
Aqualia team was also able to encourage
the participation of the City Council and of
the media who covered the event extensi-
All of the business areas of Aqualia in Ovie-
do who collaborated in one of the social
projects developed by the Company were
present at the event: Ricardo Álvarez, Client
manager for the drawing contest; Miguel
Toyos, head of procurement for his work in
Social Networks; David Casado, head of
Production for disseminating the technolo-
gical innovations in the social networks; So-
nia López, head of Quality, who coordina-
ted the tours of the Wastewater Treatment
Plant; Jorge Suárez, head of the Laboratory
for organizing the open-door seminar; Juan
José Viña, head of the Technical Office as
the person responsible for training stu-
dents; Paloma Gurriarán, head of Adminis-
tration for the fight against Gender-based
Violence; Ana Isabel Rosa, Client manager
for her work during the Christmas season
with the Red Cross; and Ruben Casado, of
the Personnel Committee for his involve-
ment in the Food Bank.
This action aims to recognise the day-to-
day work of FCC Aqualia professionals
who, besides complying with the public
service commitments, are involved in initia-
tives with great added social value.
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