FCC participates in the
program and scholarship
ceremony of Fundación Prevent
Training and mentoring program
This training and mentoring program is designed for entrepreneurs to enable them to
start-up a business project. The project has counted with the collaboration of ESADE
and the disinterested participation of private companies that are references in their
business sector, such as FCC, since, one of the objectives of the Group’s Corporate
Social Responsibility is to promote equal opportunities and ban all types of discrimina-
tion in the hiring process.
Fundación Prevent celebrated the 11th
Prevent Scholarships Award Ceremony.
These scholarships are awarded to univer-
sity students, entrepreneurs, and sports-
men, all of whom have some type of disabi-
lity, rewarding their talent, innovation,
health, and social inclusion. Once again,
750 people filed the Palau de Congressos
Auditorium in Catalonia to accompany the
45 athletes from the Catalan Sports Fede-
ration for persons with physical and visual
disabilities and with cerebral palsy who, in
2015, stood out thanks to their perseveran-
ce and their national and international suc-
Cerebral palsy was the central theme of the
entire event: Fundación Prevent wanted to
focus, through its first documentary film, on
this disability of which little is known and
which is surrounded by fear and prejudice.
In Spain, 120,000 people suffer from this
disability according to data from ASPACE, a
non-profit entity declared of public interest
which groups together the organizations
that provide services to those with this disa-
bility throughout Spain.
Executives and volunteers from several
multinational firms were on the stage to
greet some of the 49 young university stu-
dents, the talented individuals, who won
the award in search for opportunities to
contribute and to create a more competitive
and responsible job market.
FCC was represented by Ana Villacañas,
the managing director of Organization, who
as a specialised mentor, accompanied one
of the entrepreneurs in this second edition
of the award.
During the award-ceremony, scholarships
were awarded to research projects on the
Prevention of Occupational Hazards;
sports; training to be able to continue with
a university education; and scholarships for
young entrepreneurs with disabilities and
great development potential.