FCC Aqualia was recognised as the most
influential company in the water sector
in 2015. The prize, organized by iAgua,
rewards the achievements of people and
the leading organizations in the water
industry. Félix Parra, managing direc-
tor of FCC Aqualia, collected the prize
from Alejandro Maceira, the managing
partner and founder of the publication.
During his speech, Félix Parra expressed his
appreciation for the award, “the result of the
company’s client-focus and its commitment
to transfer to society the value that we con-
tribute in the regions where we operate”.
According to the information included in the
FCC won two of the prizes granted by
the Association of Civil Engineers of Ma-
drid in the 2015 award ceremony which
took place in the Casa de América in Ma-
drid. The construction of the junctions
of Sector AR Tres Cantos won the prize
for the best municipal civil works while
Line 1 of the Panama Metro was awar-
ded the prize for the best project abroad.
The prize for the Tres Cantos road project
was given by Pedro Rollán, the councillor of
Transport, Housing, and Infrastructures of
the Madrid Autonomous Community, Jesús
Communication prize;
everyone’s success
Two FCC projects win the prizes awarded
by the Association of Civil Engineers of Madrid
A moment at the ceremony when Félix Parra
expresses his appreciation for the prize.
Family phone f the award-winners in the different categories of the iAgua prize.
Moreno, the mayor of Tres Cantos, and Mi-
guelJurado,chairmanof FCC Construcción.
Jesús Moreno said that “the construction of
these roads and the junction with the M-607
facilitate mobility and the access to services
of more than 30,000 residents of Madrid”.
The panel of judges highlighted the comple-
xity of the project and the solutions provi-
ded to facilitate access and the evacuation
of traffic generated by the implementation
and development of the new Sector A.R. of
Tres Cantos. Miguel Jurado, the chairman
ranking, FCC Aqualia (11,624 points) sco-
red first by a wide 3,000 margin in com-
parison with Aqualogy, the second-ranking
company and last year’s prize-winner. As
underscored by Juan Pablo Merino, di-
rector of Communications and Corporate
Social Responsibility at FCC Aqualia, “the
prize was obtained thanks to the efforts of
the entire FCC Aqualia team which not only
performs an excellent job, but also incre-
asingly informs the community about its
work and the high added-value work that
the company provides for the citizens”.
of FCC Construcción added that “this is a
great engineering project in which the FCC
teams built junctions to avoid crossing other
existing infrastructures, such as the M-6’7,
the High Speed Madrid-Valladolid railway,
and the installations of Canal de Isabel II”.
A prize was also awarded to the “Line 1 of
the Panama Metro” Project, sponsored by
the Secretariat of the Panama Metro (SMP,
Spanish acronym) and executed by FCC,
highlighting this ambitious engineering pro-
ject which benefits more than one million
people and which was built in a record-time
of three years. Vicente Mohedano, the ma-
naging director of FCC Construcción co-
llected the price and said that engineering
is at the service of society and that the pro-
ject had substantially improved the lives of
Panamanians since it only takes 23 minutes
to travel from one station to the other one.