Under the heading “
in improving the pot
work and the sewer
Council of Lleida s
dia praising FCC A
in the city over the past few years. “The
deputy mayor and council member, Félix
Larrosa, defended the greater efficiency
of indirect water management of the wa-
ter and sewerage department rather than
other options due to the greater inves-
tment capability, the economies of scale,
the company’s knowledge of the sector, its
technology, constant innovation, and ma-
nagement skills”.
Some of the other measures that the Cou-
ncil praised included the significant reduc-
tion of the city’s water consumption thanks
to the constant work being carried out to
create environmental awareness among
the population, policies to safe water, the
35% increase in the water yield, the inves-
tments made, and the creation of the so-
cial tariff.
The Department of Urban
and Rural Habitat and
Sustainability issued a
press release in which it
praises the great work of
Aqualia in managing the
city’s water cycle. The in-
formation is based on the
positive data submitted in
the Monitoring Committee.
The City Council
highlights the numerous
benefits enjoyed by
Lleida and its residents
as a result of the indirect
management of the water
Lleida City Council praises
FCC Aqualia’s water cycle
Some of the members
gas 33% of the electricity consumed at the
The councilman also mentioned that Ai-
gües de Lleida was the first Spanish com-
pany to be awarded the environmental
seal for reducing CO
emissions and for
energy sustainability in the end-to-end
water cycle.