The Systems Division of FCC Industrial
completed the development of a monito-
ring and analysis system for aviation mis-
sions which are part of the mission program
known as Tactical Leadership Program
(TLP) for the Head of the Unit for Contrac-
ting and Economic Management of the Air
Force. This 3-year and, almost 1.2 million
euro contract was awarded to the company
at the end of 2014.
Developed by the Citizen Services Group’s
Industrial Division, the software provides
support to the Flight Courses of the Tactical
Leadership Program. It is able to recons-
truct in 2D and 3d the missions that had
been flown using the information acqui-
red from multiple sensors installed on the
ground as well as on Air Force aircraft.
These reconstructions are used in the post-
flight analysis of the most relevant aspects
of the exercises, thereby ensuring quality
FCC Industrial
awarded a
contract for the
Malaga-Costa del
Sol Airport facilities
FCC Industrial
is developing
a system for
an Air Force
tactical training based on combined flight
missions in realistic environments.
The system is able to monitor and record
in real time the execution of a flight mission
with several latest generation aircraft for the
subsequent reconstruction and analysis for
training purposes.