New containers
3.200 L CL
Adapted for the disabled
A loading hatch situated 90 cm
from the group for people who
use a wheelchair.
Manufactured with
injected polyethylene.
Resistant to chemical
products and atmosphe-
ric agents.
Adapted for side-loading
waste collection trucks
1.880 mm
1.510 mm
More than 58,000 tons of waste
Vitoria-Gasteiz has a population of more
than 242,000 people who produce 58 tons
of waste every year that is removed and
transferred everyday to a waste treatment
plant for its handling.
The FCC-GMSM joint venture has imple-
mented a 6-day-a week waste collection
The FCC and GMSM joint venture started
to install the new waste and recycling con-
tainers in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Gradually, a total of 3,000 containers for
paper and cardboard, plastic, and other ty-
pes of waste, excluding those for glass or
the orange ones for organic waste, will be
These recycling islands, the name give to
these containers, are part of the new clea-
ning contract. The structure of the contai-
ners is made with polyethylene instead of
the plastic used in the existing containers.
They stand 1.80 metres tall and have a ca-
pacity of 3,200 litres. All of these containers
Vitoria installs
containers adapted
for the disabled
will be adapted and will be more easily ac-
cessible since they feature a special lid at a
height of 90 centimetres from the ground
that can be used by those with disabilities.
A new system, using a special truck, will be
used to clean the containers.
To date, 40 containers 1.5% of the total
have been replaced and the plan is to re-
new 10% of the remaining containers every
service and will be paying special atten-
tion to the cleaning services in the historic
district, also providing services in industrial
These services will involve an investment of
more than 13 million euros that will be spent
mainly in purchasing new machinery, inclu-
ding 33 sidewalk sweepers (one of them
running on electricity), 5 street sweepers, 9
side-loading collection trucks, 22 sweeping
porters (9 of them running on electricity)
and 9 electric inspection vehicles.