Learning through fun
One of the ways that we think about our
future is by educating the future genera-
tions - our children. Annually we share our
knowledge with about 700 schools and kin-
dergartens in 4 countries (Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Serbia and Poland). In the Czech
Republic in particular, we can be proud of
the 15 year history of our country-wide, se-
condary raw material collection competition.
Thanks to this program we collected about
4.300 tons of paper during the last school
year. The children and schools are rewar-
ded for this initiative with promotional gifts,
art supplies, sport equipment and financial
Excursions to our plants are also very po-
pular among the schools and children, with
many of the kids who come for a visit lon-
ging to be dustmen or women afterwards! In
December 2015 the Brno plant welcomed
another group of children from a school,
who learned how the waste treatment pro-
cess runs and also how important it is for us
all to support the right separation of waste
and to protect the environment.
Service for the Future is
the claim which has been
connected with our com-
pany for almost 10 years.
It describes the very es-
sence of our business;
transforming waste into
resources, improving li-
ving conditions in the ci-
ties, as well as eliminating
ecological burdens with
our remediation projects.
FCC Aqualia
prepares a report on the
management of the carbon footprint
FCC Aqualia has prepared a report to in-
form on the basic concepts related to cli-
mate change and the carbon footprint. The
objective is to create awareness on the
threat for the planet’s sustainability due to
climate change and, thereby, to reduce the
company’s carbon footprint.
As part of its environment-friendly strategy,
FCC Aqualia is committed to registering and
reducing the carbon footprint in all the activi-
ties that it conducts. This implies measuring
and reducing the total amount of emissions
of CO
and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
caused directly or indirectly by our Company.
Report on the management of the carbon
footprint at FCC Aqualia