sector or because of their volume, all are
concerned with cybersecurity and the risks
that it entails. SMEs and companies listed in
the IBEX35 index are all aware that cyber-
security is essential in order to be able to
face current threats and are convinced that
cybersecurity must be part of the company.
It has been confirmed in the various editions
of CyberEx, that participating companies
have made significant investments in cyber-
security and the results show that the tech-
nical teams are very capable of responding
to everyday problems. The level of speciali-
sation at major companies is high and their
concern for being prepared for ay incident
is evident in all sectors. Each year, the sce-
narios of Cyber-EX are increasingly complex
and companies are aware of the risks and
are realistic.
As an expert in cybersecurity, why
should FCC and other major Spanish
companies participate in the Cyber-
Participating in security cyber-exercises
enables companies to develop and train a
wide range of capabilities. The simple fact
of being able to test in-house procedures,
improve the exchange of information among
the different departments, maintain the alert
level of the technical teams, and improve the
recovery capability in the event of a disaster
are the great challenges regarding which all
companies are concerned.
It is important for companies to participate
in these simulation exercises so that they
are able to know their companies internally,
know the divisions or departments that they
should contact in the event of an incident,
know the response time, identify the points
subject to improvement, and focus their pro-
cedures in the right direction.
Participating in these initiatives is also a clear
indicator of the commitment to cybersecu-
rity, increasingly demanded by investors,
clients, and by the public in general.
What are you expecting for 2016?
2016 brings new challenges and more diffi-
culty for adapting to the threats and the ne-
eds of companies. The national edition of
the cyber-exercises for Critical and Strategic
Operators -CyberEx 2016- will be a multi-
sector event, with new scenarios and grea-
ter participation than in the previous editions.
Following the success and broad acceptan-
ce of the first edition, a second International
CyberEX will be scheduled in which teams
representing various countries will be parti-
cipating with the intention of bolstering the
response capabilities in the face of cyber in-
cidents as well as to improve collaboration
and cooperation to tackle these types of
Several initiatives will be carried out throug-
hout the year that make it possible to assess
the current state of preparation of the partici-
pants in the event of a cybernetic crisis, sha-
ring lessons learned and providing recom-
mendations for the future: aspects subject
to improvement so as to make it possible to
face a cybernetic attack, to increase coope-
ration and coordination among the sectors
involved, to identify interdependencies, to in-
crease awareness and improve training, etc.
The CiberMS cyber exercises concluded
last November. This was the fourth edition
of the event that is sponsored by Asocia-
ción Española para el Fomento de la Se-
guridad de la Información - ISMS Forum
Spain, and is supported by the National
Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) and the
National Centre for the Protection of Criti-
cal Infrastructures (CNPIC).
The objective of these exercises is to
create awareness in major Spanish com-
panies and the community in general on
the importance of information security in
an increasingly interconnected world de-
pendant on the use of new technologies.
The exercises, technical and organiza-
tional, demonstrated the capabilities of
major companies to detect and respond
to threats from the cyberspace. Leaks of
information, theft of data, and the refusal
to provide services were some of the sce-
narios tested in the simulation.
FCC, as part of its commitment to Safety
of Information and Systems, has partici-
pated in all of the editions of these cyber
exercises. This year, it scored 8 out of
10, a score that was 8 decimals higher
than the average obtained by the rest of
the participants. Considering this com-
mitment to cybersecurity is everyone’s
responsibility, the efforts of our group are
best examples of our commitment.
Gianluca D’Antonio
Manager of Information Security at the FCC
Information Security and Risk Management
FCC scores 8 in the latest edition of the cyber exer-