Enjoy meals with light and healthy
products in good company
Be active and enjoy
the good atmosphere
Sharing life,
giving the gift of health
and well-being
Choose healthy dishes, cut back
the use of salt, limit the purchase
of industrial sweets and eat home-
made desserts, fruit and natural dry
Dose what you eat, don’t gorge and
don’t make a full meal out of the ap-
Abandon your routine and enjoy sports,
strolling or playing in the street. Dance,
move, much better if you are accompa-
nied by your family or friends.
For your mental health, be in good hu-
mour and smile.
Visit museums and exhibits.
Spend time on yourself.
Don’t abandon your good habits.
Enjoy and take advantage of the magic
quietness of the streets during the early
morning hours.
Give prevention and health.
Give smiles.
Give something that you made yourself.
Participate in solidarity campaigns.
“Give what you like, ask for what you need”.
Bring out the Christmas spirit in your surroun-
dings and greet your colleagues, surprise them!
Create your own toys. Have fun learning and re-
cycling. There are websites with tutorials.
For the second consecutive year, we laun-
ched the Healthy Christmas campaign, with
recommendations and ideas for spending
the holidays and advise that we can apply
throughout the year since they are practi-
ces and habits that contribute to our health
and well being.
We compiled the ideas proposed by our
colleagues last year and the staff participa-
ted again in this campaign, sharing healthy
and enjoyable practices and ideas.
Keep digestive infusions at hand
for enjoying a good conversation.
Don’t extend the talk at the dinner
table and suggest to the other di-
ners to go out for a walk.
Alternate heavy lunches and din-
ners with other light meals that
help to clean your organism.