Promoting health at work:
action strategies
FCC’s international management of occupational hazard
prevention at Prevexpo 2015
The 4th National Congress on the Preven-
tion of Occupational Hazards took place on
12 and 13 November at the University of Za-
ragoza. FCC, was represented by the head
of the Medical Department of the Aragón-
La Rioja branch, Dr. David Blasco Blanco,
who described the strategies for promoting
health at work that have been developed by
the Company and at the FCC Medio Am-
biente regional branch.
Dr. Blasco discussed the actions and infor-
mation for promoting health which genera-
te opportunities for improving the life habits
of the company’s employees an implies an
added value in the Company’s management
and competitiveness which, in addition to
being safe, is healthy, improving the quality
of life and well-being of personnel and the
image and competitiveness of the company.
Since 2013, Medio Ambiente’s Aragón and
La Rioja Branch Office, with the participation
of Human Resources, POH, Production,
trade union representatives and employees,
has been carrying out campaigns to promo-
te health. Specifically, a campaign is being
carried out on cardiovascular prevention that
was launched in 2014 and is expected to be
completed by 2019. The campaign inclu-
des actions for controlling blood pressure,
quitting smoking, and programs to promote
physical activities.
The Aragón branch office of Medio Ambien-
te was recently awarded the AENOR Healthy
Company certificate, which is contributing to
increasing the safety, health and well-being
of workers, reducing absenteeism and incre-
asing motivation and productivity.
PREVEXPO 2015 is the biennial congress
organized by the Junta de Andalucía (An-
dalusian Regional Government) and social
and economic agents to highlight and share
contents related to Prevention, Safety and
In this 12th edition, the main issues dis-
cussed were the reform of the regulatory
framework, training and specialisation,
reporting occupational diseases and the
According to the World
Health Organization
(WHO), the right changes
in lifestyles could prevent
more than three-fourths
of cardiovascular
mortality rates
management and evaluation and chemi-
cal agents, and the technical profile in the
mining industry Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus,
FCC’s Group director of Safety, Health and
Well-being, represented the Company and
shared its international experience in mana-
ging prevention, safety and health.
Besides describing FCC’s international ex-
perience, Juan Carlos discussed the Plan of
Action that the company implements when
it works abroad.
It is essential in all internationalisation pro-
cesses to know the legal framework of the
country and the related official organizations;
technical standards; the disciplinary regime,
and even the definition of an accident at
It is also necessary to know the social and
cultural reality of the country or region and,
particularly, the country’s special economic
(boom or crisis) or social political circum-
stances (armed conflicts, changes in gover-
nment, etc.).
In addition, it is necessary to anticipate hour
the impact of our management in language
or geographical issues, climate (extreme
temperatures, sand storms, monsoon rain,
etc.) and even matters affecting the environ-
ment and health: pollution, diseases, and
any other factor that might affect the safety
and health of our personnel and the commu-
nities where we conduct our activities.
Internationalisation finally means mana-
ging diversity in relation to POH, Safety and
Health, and learning, adapting, and contri-
buting the best standards to stakeholders
and for all of our activities.