Five years without accidents at the
Poniente Almeriense
Joint Venture
Mutua Asepeyo rewards the joint venture
in charge of managing the Adra, Balerma,
Dalías, and El Ejido wastewater treatment
plants, participated mainly by FCC Aqualia,
for its low accident rate, recording zero ac-
cidents since the year 2010.
The award ceremony was presided by José
Joaquín Martínez López, director of the
Occupational Hazard Prevention Centre of
the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian regional
government) in Almeria, by Lidia León Del-
gado, head of the Provincial Work Inspec-
tion, and by Armando Díaz Rueda, director
of the Asepeyo Service Centre in Almeria.
They gave the diploma for the prize to the
head of the department at the joint venture,
Carlos Pérez Arribas.
The “0 Accidents” achievement over the
past five years is the result of the work
and dedication of FCC Aqualia and the
commitment and work of the employees
in issues relating to prevention, safety and
health. FCC Aqualia is committed to and in-
vests in training and equipment. Employees
comply with the recommendations when
performing their normal tasks at the insta-
llations that require specific work protocols
to ensure a high level of safety and also use
the equipment correctly and apply the ap-
propriate method.
Thanks to the training provided and the
awareness of the employees plus the tech-
nical investments to minimise risks, it has
been possible to work without having to re-
gret any accidents at work: 5 years, more
than 1,800 days, 0 accidents.
FCC Medio Ambiente, an example of good practices in
“Management of Psycho-social Risk at Work”
FCC Group’s environmental services subsi-
diary, participated in the European Week for
Safety and Health at Work Week as a com-
pany that is an example in good practices
in “Management of Psycho-social Risk at
FCC Medio Ambiente participated in the
event through the seminar organized by Ins-
tituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en
el Trabajo (National Institute of Safety and
Health at Work) entitled “How to approach
prevention of psycho-social risks: aware-
ness, participation and good practices”.
Within this framework, several companies
presented their programs and good prac-
tices experiences that have enabled them
to handle this issue successfully and which
could serve as a model for other companies.
The importance of managing psycho-social
risks correctly is to prevent the positive nega-
tive effects that these could have on the wor-
ker and his work surroundings, as well as on
the company, which negative impacts could
result in the overall deficient performance of
the company, greater absenteeism, and a
higher rate of accidents and injuries.
The related sick-leave periods tend to be
longer than those stemming from other cau-
ses and the possible costs for the company
and for society are significant.
In compliance with its legal obligations, FCC
Medio Ambiente has implemented a plan to
prevent and minimise psycho-social risks
and to create a healthy psycho-social envi-
ronment. All of this leads to the successful
management of the company and on main-
taining the health and motivation among its