changing the order, we lead the future
Disability + lnclusion: reflections
Fundación Prevent organized at the FCC headquarters in Las Tablas
the training activity entitled: “D+I: changing the order, we lead the
future. Disability + Inclusion: Reflections”. The topic addressed ma-
naging disability from a social and corporate perspective and its im-
pact o the company’s processes, procedures, and decision-making
The activity covered addressed the issue of managing disability
based on the approach of the Human Resources, Procurement,
Communication, Systems, and Prevention of Occupational Hazards
(POH) departments in their daily management and counted with the
participation of Moises who gave a speech on “how having limita-
tions does not mean having a limited life”.
This activity is part of a set of training and informative actions on
this issue that will be offered from now on and which are part of the
Transversal Training Plan and in keeping with FCC’s objective of pre-
paring personnel to enable them to manage, completely, optimally,
and efficiently the integration of people with disabilities in the social
and work environments.
D+I makes it possible to:
Take advantage of talent.
Access new potential clients.
Innovate and mark a difference.
Comply with regulations.
Being a step ahead.
“End the Awkward” campaign
A survey was conducted to learn about the attitudes of people without disabi-
lities towards those who do (NGO Scope).
67% of Britons feel awkward when interacting with people with disabilities;
they have a bad time and try to avoid any contact with them.
48% have never started a conversation with someone with disabilities.
66% have never invited someone with disabilities to a social event. Only 16%
have invited them to their homes.
Only 5% of people without a disability have had a date with someone who
Observatory for Disability
and Job Market in Spain
Training activities