FCC among the 8,000 participants in the
“Run for the child 2015”
The FCC Medio Ambiente
team winner
of the 10 km race
For yet another year, the “Run for the child”
race beat the previous record with more
than 8,000 taking part. FCC collaborated
by donating 100 race bibs which were dis-
tributed as follows:
Participants: 48 women and 52 men
20 participants who were less than 18
years old of which 11 were 3 to 10 years
The rest of the participants were mainly
between 30and 50years old, plus
another individual who was more than
70 years old.
About the race circuits:
11 signed up for the 1 km race (6 wo-
men and 5 men).
46 participated in the 4 km race (31 wo-
men and 15 men).
43 participated in the 10 km circuit (11
women and 32 men).
For the 10 km timed race, according to
recorded date, 1,643 runners participated
with the best time for the runner wearing
the bib with the number 5979 who was able
to run the entire circuit in less than 37 minu-
tes and came in 13th place.
“Running is an
escape valve”
Solidarity and sports
Running, for Juan Carlos Inglés Mo-
rales. , of the FCC Medio Ambiente
team, is an escape valve that helps to
overcome day-to-day difficulties For
him, regardless of the level, the efforts
invested are returned in an immedia-
te and positive manner and that is the
reason why people get hooked on run-
“I encourage everyone to run. It doesn’t
have to be everyday, and training does
not have to leave you breathless. Let
yourself be guided by your own body
and in just a few sessions, you will start
to notice the benefits of running”, he
The “Run for the child” race is an activity which aims to encourage solidarity and
sports. Once again this year, all the proceeds from the sale of the race-bibs will be
totally earmarked for the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Niño Jesús
Children’s Hospital.
The proceeds from this edition will be allocated to the following projects: video-recor-
ding in the paediatrics emergency unit for children in life-threatening situations; the use
of self-injectors of adrenaline in children with serious allergies and risks of anaphylactic
reactions; administration of mesenchymal stem cells by means of an animal model
with established brain damage; new mediators of inflammation in serious acute bron-
chiolitis; in addition to continuing the projects started in 2014: an online paediatrics
ICU and a simulation centre.
In the mini-competition organized by those
who registered who formed the team for
the 10 km race (seven teams: FCC Mon-
tearroyo, Gacelas, Los Aqualios Interna-
cionales, Maratonianos Amigos del Abuelo
Palop, FCC Medio Ambiente, FCC Las Ta-
blas, FCC Plus) the FCC Montearroyo, FCC
Medio Ambiente, and the FCC Plus teams
were finalists.
The winning team with a 00:45:52 average
was FCC Medio Ambiente. The team mem-
bers were:
Y el equipo ganador, con una media de
00:45:52, ha sido FCC Medio Ambiente,
compuesto por:
Juan Carlos Inglés Morales
Jesús Pajares Blázquez
Juan Regidor Román
Jesús Barbero Gómez
Raul Castrillejo Cejudo
Verónica Lina Palomino López