On 12 December, the Aragón-La Rioja
branch office of FCC Medio Ambiente, in-
augurated the “1st Open Door Seminar”
focused on two of the essential pillars of
the regional branch: road safety and risk
All work centres were informed about the
seminar so that the family members of FCC
employees came to the seminar, especially
the youngsters. As the head of the Human
Resources Department of Aragón-La Rio-
ja, Carmelo Jiménez, remarked: “the new
FCC must be underpinned by enthusiasm
The FCC Medio Ambiente Aragón-La Rioja Branch Office,
open seminar for the families of FCC employees
and rediscovering the sense of belonging
to the company and its philosophy.” “What
better school”, he mentioned, “than lear-
ning through the eyes of the children of our
The seminar went as planned and, after
putting on the high-visibility jackets and lis-
tening to a brief welcoming speech by the
company’s management in the traffic area,
the activities began for the two groups of
children: one group of ten children from five
to seven years old; and a second group of
eighteen children with ages ranging from
eight to twelve.
The prevention technician of the regio-
nal branch was in charge of training both
groups on the culture of road safety. The
activities were complemented with several
discussions aimed at the youngsters on
risk prevention given by members of the
Confederation of Businessmen of Aragón
(CREA, Spanish acronym) on risk preven-
tion aimed which focused on the following
themes: first aid, the use of individual pro-
tection gear, preventing risks at home (with
real fire), ending with a fun game which illus-
trated how alcohol affects driving where the
children and their parents wore glasses that
distorted their vision and had to catch a ball
thrown by the trainer and throwing it back.
After a brief lunch break, the young crowd,
always under the attentive watch of their