On the occasion of the celebration of Inter-
national Women’s Day, the water manage-
ment municipal services in Fraga (Huesca),
Ibiza and Oviedo, managed by FCC Aqua-
lia, in collaboration with municipal corpora-
tions, celebrated the event by tainting the
water of their public fountains purple.
for equality
From left to right: our
colleages at the Oviedo
Service; Rosa, Lucía,
Sonia, Ana and Merce-
des, accompanied by
Alfonso, the manager of
the department (5th on
the right) and the city’s
mayor, Agustín Iglesias
(6th on the right), qwho
was accompanied by
all the councilwomen
of the local govern-
ment. These included
the councilwomen for
Water, Equality, Social
Services, Culture, and
Social Centres.
The fountain at Fraga’s Town Hall was tainted purple.
In the photograph, the head of the service, Juan Cas-
tellano (on the right) with the Councilman for Urban
Plannning Juan Castaño.
The mayor of Ibiza, Virginia Marí (in the centre) took part in the event jointly
with Eduardo del Castillo, manager of the Balearic Island regional office (on
the left) and the head of the department, Toni Saez.
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