from the
on the occasion of
the celebration
of International Women’s
Day, 8 March
As in every year, the commemoration of In-
ternational Women’s Day encourages us to
reflect on the progress achieved by women,
to demand more changes, and to celebra-
te the courage and determination of those
women who have played and continue to
play a key role in the history of their coun-
tries and communities.
The theme chosen by the U.N. this year,
«Empowering Women, Empowering Hu-
manity: Picture it! » recreates a world where
each woman, each girl, can choose their
future and make their own decisions in so-
cieties free of violence and discrimination.
At FCC, these principles have been perma-
nently incorporated in our lines of action.
Throughout 2014, we continued to take
major steps in that direction:
We subscribed the Diversity Charter,
an agreement to which companies
and institutions adhere voluntarily
thereby reinforcing and affirming our
commitment to the basic principles of
equality, non-discrimination at work,
support for diversity and respect for
the differences among people. These
principles are very much a part of our
corporate identity and with which we
feel particularly committed.
We signed, jointly with other Spanish
companies, the Collaboration Agree-
ment with the Ministry of Health, Social
Services and Equality in order to adopt
measures to increases the presence
of women in executive jobs, manage-
ment committees, boards of directors,
in order to advance towards a more
balanced and just presence.
We also publicly assumed the commitment,
in response to the European Platform for
Action on Parity to support and encoura-
ged the balanced participation of men and
women in our Board of Directors.
One of our main actions in 2015 in this res-
pect was to subscribe last March, jointly
with MCA-UGT and COO, the 2nd Equality
Plan of FCC Construcción which incorpora-
tes improvements in the field of conciliation
and communication.
All of these have been important steps
in a long road ahead.
A road in which all of us at FCC are invol-
ved in, particularly the more than 12, 239
women who with our male colleagues and
collaborators make it possible every day.
A road where the 1601 women who joined
our Group over the course of 2014 will find
less obstacles than those who came before
An enriching and diverse road where
knowledge and capabilities are not restric-
ted to any sex, as underscored by the 49
FCC female employees who are working
abroad developing projects.
A road where – I am certain - the first to
prove with their example and attitude that
change is possible are the 172 women who
hold managerial positions within the Group.
I encourage everyone, men and women at
FCC, to defend the achievements of wo-
men, to recognise the challenges ahead
and to focus on their rights because – we
must not forget – that when a woman ad-
vances and makes progress, we all do.