On 27 February, FCC completed the res-
tructuring of its Board of Directors which
began in January with representatives from
Control Empresarial de Capitales S.A. de
On this occasion it was the turn of the inde-
pendent Board Directors, as was announ-
ced at the time. Manuel Gil Madrigal, Henri
Proglio and Álvaro Vázquez de Lapuerta
have replaced Oliver Orsini, Gonzalo Ro-
dríguez Mourullo and Gustavo Villapalos.
The highest governing body of the Citizen
Services Group has been reduced to 12
members after the exit of Larranza XXI S.L.,
represented by Lourdes Martínez Zabala,
as was anticipated after the restructuring of
The three new independent Board Direc-
tors of FCC were selected by means of a
prestigious Board Director selection firm.
of Board of Directors with the appointment of three
independent Board Directors
Manuel Gil Madrigal,
a Law and Business
Administration graduate (E-3) from ICADE,
is a founding member of the company Tas-
mania Gestión. In the year 2000, he was
also founding member of the financial com-
pany N+1 and has been a board director of
Ezentis, Funespaña, General de Alquiler de
Maquinaria (GAM) and Campofrío, amongst
other companies. Throughout his professio-
nal career, he has also held the position of
director of Capital Markets at AB Asesores
Bursátiles, partner at Morgan Stanley and
auditor at Arthur Andersen.
Henri Proglio,
a graduate from the School
of Business Administration (HEC) in Paris,
will become chairman of Thales as of next
May. He is currently on the Board of Direc-
tors at Natixis Banque and Dassault Avia-
tion. He was also chairman of energy ‘giant’
Électricité de France (2009-2014) and Veo-
lia Environmement (2003-2009), as well as
board director of FCC, Grupo Lagardère
and Vinci, amongst other companies.
Álvaro Vázquez de Lapuerta,
a Law and
Business Administration graduate (E-3)
from ICADE, is currently a partner at the
firms Akiba Partners and Meridia Capital
Partners. He was Chief Executive Officer
for Spain and Portugal at Dresdner Klein-
wort and Managing Director and Head of
Investor Relations at securities firm BBVA
Bolsa. He previously held other positions of
responsibility at JP Morgan in Mexico, New
York, London and Madrid.
Further to these appointments, the Ap-
pointments and Remuneration Commit-
tee approved the appointment of
Martínez Parra
as new Chief Executive
and Chief Financial Officer. A graduate of
Business and Economics with a diploma
in Business Strategy Development from
the University of Anáhuac (Mexico), Martí-
nez Parra was, until joining FCC, Director
of Finance and Social Infrastructure at the
Mexican infrastructure company Impulsora
del Desarrollo y el Empleo en América Lati-
na S.A. de C.V. (IDEAL). He previously held
the position of Credit Analyst Manager and
Head of Investor Relations at Grupo Finan-
ciero Inbursa S.A.B de C.V.