FCC Code of Ethics
Ethics should be a part of every company
action and activity. Our group is committed
to Integrity as one of the four basic beha-
viour principles, jointly with Efficiency, Doing
things well, and Proximity.
We are currently witnessing greater social
demand for ethics, transparency and com-
mitment on the part of companies. The le-
gislator has recently intervened to regulate
the penal responsibility of organizations that
fail to exert due control to prevent criminal
Beyond the company’s commitment to
ethics and greater social and legal de-
mands, the way that we behave is clearly
reflected in the Group’s reputation. The cu-
rrent transformation process at FCC requi-
res not only a human team that is global,
responsible, and committed to results, but
one that is most particularly group whose
behaviour is exemplary.
Our Code of Ethics (see attached docu-
ment) is the company’s main standard go-
verning the relationship between FCC em-
ployees to our stakeholders.
Much progress has been made since the
Code of Ethics was approved in 2008. Over
these past years, FCC’s Board of Directors
and Response Committee have promote
training programs and bolstered the com-
munication systems and research protocols
to comply with the demanding scenario of
the market in which the Group operate. It
is time to shore up the employees’ perso-
nal commitment with the company’s ethics
compliance system.
We should all be aware of and respect or
ethical framework in our work environment
and denounce those disloyal behaviours
that we observe. To this end, the Respon-
se Committee provides all employees with
Declaration of adherence to the