The new FCC Group
Policy and Regulations
On 27 February of this year, the FCC Group
Board of Directors approved the creation
of a new Central Purchasing Body for the
Group and parent company which will be
in charge of negotiations, procurement,
and control of the purchase of material
and services, always searching for the best
conditions for the company and optimising
planning of projects and/or contracts, re-
sources, and controlling the budgets and
The Policy and Regulations, to be imple-
mented over the coming months prevail
over any other Purchasing Regulations that
may exist in the FCC Group. Compliance
will be mandatory throughout the entire or-
ganization and the document must be sig-
ned as proof of its acceptance. Some of the
key aspects worth mentioning are:
Decision-making based on traceable
and transparent processes.
Encouraging the concurrence and
competency of suppliers. There
should be at least three similar and te-
chnically valid bids. The contracts will
be awarded to the bid with the lowest
The Economic and Financial Cor-
porate Departments will not pay any
invoice for orders that have not been
issued and/or validated by the Pur-
chasing Department.
The purchasing departments of the
divisions must report to the Group’s
Corporate Purchasing Department.
Regulations and protocols