in social networks
lands at FCC Construcción
in Mexico, Chile and Peru
FCC already has its profiles in LinkedIn,
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, as well as
in the websites Infojob, the leading Spanish
job opportunity site, and the Ciudadano
Activo (Active Citizen) blog.
We participate in these communication
channels because we believe that social
networks today are the best vehicles for
transmitting information for employees,
clients, and friends to enable them to keep
up-to-date on the day-to-day events at
One, FCC Group’s intranet, has just landed
in Mexico, Chile and Peru. The platform
was launched by a multidisciplinary team
of staff from the Human Resources, Com-
munication and Marketing, and IT System
FCC has nearly 27,000 followers at Linke-
dIn, the largest professional online social
network with more than 300 million mem-
bers in over 200 countries. In Twitter, we
have about 10,000 followers and 1,300 in
Facebook. We had 183,000 visits in YouTu-
be and almost 12,000 visits at the Ciudada-
no Activo blog.
Our goal in these channels is to keep all
of our follower informed of news that may
arise on new contract awards, main con-
tracts, progress achieved in projects, re-
search projects, etc., and to discuss novel-
ties in the different sectors related to FCC
and share experience and knowledge with
other professionals.
Besides, from these social networks, you
can connect with other companies, interact
with other people, and transmit our defining
corporate values.
More than 120 users from FCC Construc-
ción in Mexico, Chile and Peru can access
this multidirectional communication chan-
nel which provides all current information
on the Group, integrates the main pro-
cesses and systems of the company, op-
timises costs, unifies the support and the
user’s experience, and standardises the
help function.
One arrived in Central America in October:
with more than 359 employees from Pana-
ma, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala
having access the new platform.