vision of different types of public services
in cities. As a result of the demands outli-
ned by the City Council, the Company has
invented a new concept for “addressing a
contract of these characteristics” by taking
an important technological leap. It was ne-
cessary to optimise existing resources as
much as possible to become more com-
petitive. “The requisites of the City Coun-
cil has forced us to innovate all the work
processes that we have to carry out; we
had to change our chip”, as expressed
by members of the FCC Medio Ambiente
branch office. “The great difference, howe-
ver, is the way that we perform our work,
something intangible that the competition
cannot copy and which enables us to face
challenges as demanding as the one posed
by Barcelona’s City Council”, they said.
Within the context of the new contract,
FCC will work to meet certain objectives
and results on the basis of several pre-de-
fined indicators that serve as the baseline.
The service, instead of being a static one,
will be dynamic, thereby rendering the va-
rious tasks more dynamic. Since it will be
necessary at first to perform a preliminary
inspection, the model will be built in order to
foresee and manage the future of the sewe-
rage networks. In short, it will be possible
to forecast the habits and customs of the
residents and of certain variables based on
events such as rainfall or the different sea-
sons, as well as Christmas and other ho-
Some of the key figures worth mentio-
ning are:
843 km of visitable sewerage net-
689 km of non-accessible sewe-
rage networks
62,307 gutters
42,425 wells
13 underground deposits for retai-
ning rainwater
2 controlled flooding zones
C o m m u n i t i e s