lidays. “The situation will be under control
since the information obtained and accu-
mulated will enable us to forecast situations
and anticipate the solution to any possible
problem”, the Barcelona branch office ex-
843 kilometres of sewers
One of the most relevant figures in the con-
tract corresponds to the management of
843 km of visitable sewerage networks and
680 non-accessible sewers, with 42,425
wells, 62,307 gutters (canals under the
edge to let the water escape), 13 under-
ground rainwater deposits, and two contro-
lled flooding areas.
FCC will provide several services, including:
inspection; cleaning of the network and
cleaning of the shores (beaches); mainte-
nance and project services; in addition to
other services such as recording the entire
non-accessible network, all strictly com-
plying with occupational safety regulations
in relation to all the tasks to be performed in
confined spaces.
All of these services will be performed with
state-of-the-art technology and work sys-
tems to facilitate the tasks of the professio-
nals who perform these tasks, which will
also improve the safety of people and the
service level and its quality. For example,
the use of ultrasound sensors to measu-
re the thickness of sediments which were
Josep Tàrraga,
a competent authority
Thanks to his training at Universidad Po-
litécnica de Cataluña in construction as a
quantity surveyor, and his experience at
FCC, Josep Tàrraga became an autho-
rity in all types of construction systems
in underground projects. As a result of
his scientific, curious, and innovative
character, he was constantly innovating
at the sewerage system maintenance
department, gaining the professional res-
pect, appreciation, and trust of his clients
and collaborators.
After joining the Group in 1966, he was
a project assistant, head of the techni-
cal office of the Studies department of
the Barcelona regional office, head of
the sewerage projects in Barcelona and,
FCC will provide inspection,
sewer cleaning, beach cleaning, maintenance
services and the project service, in addition
to other services
from 1980 until the end of 2014, he was
the manager of the sewerage contract in
Tàrraga was involved in preparing ten-
der offers for the Barcelona sewerage
system in 1970, 1986, 1995, 2005 and