adopts the global
FCC Environment brand
.A.S.A. begins a new phase. Its historical
.A.S.A. brand has been changed to the glo-
bal FCC Environment brand thereby taking
yet another step towards its full integration
in the FCC Group of which .A.S.A. has
been part since 2006.
The year 2014 showed distinctly how
a company can profit from its regional
diversity and international synergies.
“Although the economic background
in a lot of our countries has not been in
our favour”, states the CEO of FCC En-
vironment CEE (formerly .A.S.A. Group)
Björn Mittendorfer, “we have managed
to achieve consolidated sales of 355,7 M
This result means a slight growth in com-
parison to the previous year. The growth
was driven especially by Poland, in which
we were able to double our collection
.A.S.A. enters the new year with new brand
and a stable performance
area and have benefited from our new
regional treatment plants in operation.
Boosting commercial and industrial was-
te collection and disposal in Serbia con-
tributed to historical results in this country
and strengthened our market position.
“In early 2015 we started to change our
brand and logo “.A.S.A.” to that of our
parent company “FCC Environment”.
With this step we are now fully integrated
in the FCC Group and will benefit from
the global brand FCC”, explains Mitten-
.A.S.A. represents the environmental
services and citizen services sectors
of FCC in Central and Eastern Europe.
By introducing FCC Environment in this
area, FCC expresses the importance of
.A.S.A. concerning their future develop-
ment strategy, especially in connection
with the internationalization process of
the whole FCC Group. FCC’s growing
plans are focused on environmental ser-
vices and water. .A.S.A.’s expertise rein-
forces that international development.
By introducing the FCC Environment brand
for its entire range of .A.S.A. services in the
8 countries where it operates, the FCC Ci-
tizen Services Group underscores the im-
portant role of .A.S.A. in its strategic plans,
particularly within the framework of the in-
ternationalisation process of the entire FCC
The company will continue to be the plat-
form for growth of the Environment Divi-
sion in Central and Eastern Europe and will
pursue its mission and keep its legal trade
name under the international FCC Environ-
ment brand which has been operating in
the United Kingdom since 2012.
It will also maintain its logo, “Service for the
Future” thereby combining the brand chan-
ge with the evolution of its corporate pro-
file in line with the strategic re-orientation
towards waste management and citizen
h e g r o u p