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Page Background

How does the company see the future

of maritime works? What will the next

challenge be?

The future of on-shore maritime works will

be determined by the market, basically by

the evolution of demand resulting from glo-

bal commerce, as well as by the capacity

and adaptability of existing infrastructure

to address future demand. From the pers-

pective of sustainability and minimising the

environmental impact, the main priority will

always be to boost the infrastructure availa-

ble in order to achieve optimal productivity.

Doing this requires prioritising specialist ter-

minals over general purpose ones.

In any case, the evolution of the projects

will focus on the basic priorities of each

geographical region, with works in the in-

terior of the harbour basins in places where

there is an excess of sheltered water, such

as in Spain, or larger draughts in natural

harbours that have exceeded their capacity

such as in America. A new common field for

all geographical areas will be the construc-

tion of small Liquefied Natural Gas termi-

nals and the adaptation of current facilities

for bunkering to meet market demand.

What is the focus of R+D+i at FCC


R+D+i at FCC Construcción is focused on

improving the company’s competitiveness.

In the field of maritime works, the aims are

basically centred on technology related to

floating reinforced concrete caissons. In

this regard, emphasis can be placed on

two key lines. On one hand improving their

performance and functional conditions with

the aim of expanding their applicability to

a wider range of situations On the other

hand, reducing construction-related risks

and managing information on the maritime

climate in order to reduce the risk of ac-

cidents and increase the reliability of ope-

rations. In executing R+D+i projects, the

Company counts with the collaboration of

engineering companies, universities, and

technological institutes that are renowned


What projects and innovative solutions

is the Company working on?

We have just finished the IISIS project

(Comprehensive Research on Sustainable

Islands) in which we have made progress

on new marine construction technology

and the dynamic interaction between wa-

ves and structures, including the generation

of wave energy, as well as on sustainable

modular building technology. We are cu-

rrently working on the DOVICAIM Project

(Methodology for the design and optimisa-

tion of the lifecycle of caissons in maritime

infrastructure), on which Environmental Hy-

draulics Institute of Cantabria. This project

is geared towards generating knowledge

and analytical tools of the different cons-

truction phases of floating reinforced con-

crete caissons.

What is PIANC?

PIANC is the “World Association for Wa-

terborne Transport Infrastructure”, which

is the global reference technical organi-

sation for ports and navigation channels,

both river and maritime. In addition to its

management bodies it has four Technical

Commissions: Maritime (MarCom), Inland

Navigation (InCom), Recreational Naviga-

tion (RecCom) and Environmental (Envi-

Com). The commissions set up working

groups formed by world standard spe-

cialists in technical areas. These working

groups release publications that serve as

the main global reference for port and wa-

terway engineering.

What is your role at PIANC?

Since May 2011, I have held the position

of Chairperson of the Maritime Commission

(MarCom), which is responsible for mariti-

me ports and navigation channels. In June

2015, I also took the chair of the Technical

Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPYC)

which, as I previously stated, serves as the

Spanish Section of PIANC.

How does PIANC contribute to FCC?

First, it entails an active presence in terms

of management, as Chairperson of the Ma-

ritime Commission, in selecting issues to

address, in creating and developing wor-

king groups and producing benchmark

technical publications that are published

by PIANC. It facilitates direct access to the

most current technical topics from the mo-

ment they are selected to be studied to the

publication of results, whilst maintaining a

strong presence throughout their develop-

ment. It guarantees access to future tech-

nological trends and challenges.

The global technical scope thanks to PIANC

enables FCC Construcción to be recogni-

sed as a benchmark company in maritime

work technology by potential clients, lea-

ding engineering companies in the market

and labs, universities and prestigious tech-

nological institutes across five continents.

It also promotes FCC’s skills and highlights

its technical expertise and commitment to

excellence. It also involves tapping into the

expertise of prospective partners and their

skills in the construction, engineering and

technology sectors to participate in tenders

and other globally renowned calls for pro-
