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Advanced Technical Installations in Tunnels

José Ismael Gómez Lucena

Tunnel management systems have

advanced over the last decade. What

have been the most important? What

does FCC Industrial contribute to the-

se advances? What is FCC Industrial’s

expertise in these projects?

Without a doubt, tunnel management sys-

tems have made great advances in this mi-

llennium. The key technological innovations

in electronics, communications and soft-

ware have been reflected in the architec-

ture of these systems. Installations in new

tunnels are now totally digitalised: intelligent

video-surveillance, Gigabit high-capacity

optic fibre networks, emergency VoIP SOS

posts, and automatic decision and control


Also worth mentioning is the advanced

regulatory framework as a result of the

application of European safety directives

(2004/54/CE) in Spanish road tunnels and

the subsequent export of this technical mo-

del worldwide.

FCC Industrial has more than 25 years’ ex-

perience in this sector. We have engineers,

experts, and specialist project managers.

Our company has been able to develop a

wide range of products and a proprietary

technological platform.

What is FCC Industrial’s portfolio in the-

se products? What is the Company’s

strategy in this respect from an inter-

national perspective?

FCC Industrial has an innovative techno-

logical platform, the result of the research

and development activity of the Systems

Division. Of the products in our portfolio,

we would highlight:

• The SCADA tunnel control and manage-

ment application (AVANZA).

• Automatic monitoring systems for techni-

cal tunnel installations (ERU).

• High precision traffic and classification


Manager of FCC Industrial’s Systems Department

FCC Industrial has been implementing this

technology in several international projects

such as Estrada Regional ER-1 Madeira

(Portugal), Vidin-Calafat Bridge (Bulgaria-

Romania), and Nuevo Necaxa – Tihuatlán

(Mexico) highway. We are currently involved

in several international tender processes in

Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Having our proprietary technical solution gi-

ves us a great competitive edge, enabling

us to build solutions with greater added va-

lue and controlled risk.

What are the advantages of tunnel ma-

nagement systems in terms of the en-

vironment, the safety of the driver, and

energy savings?

The objective of current tunnel manage-

ment systems is to improve the environ-

ment as well as increase energy efficiency

and reduce electricity consumption. Auto-

matic algorithms regulate the interior and

exterior lighting of the tunnel, adapting it to

weather and environmental conditions and

ventilation is controlled automatically taking

into account levels of pollution (CO, NOx,

Opacity levels), traffic (intensity and type

of traffic), and critical fire emergency situa-


Road safety is the lynchpin of all decision-

making and automatic regulation strategies.

Tunnels are fitted with artificial vision inci-

dent detection and exhaustive video-sur-

veillance (CCTV) at the moth, interior and

galleries of the tunnel. The fire-protection

systems comprise sensor cables (fibre op-

tic DTS) capable of detecting any sign of

fire (hot and cold smoke) and activate the

extinguishing systems according to the

safety protocols defined in the Operations


What are the particularities and advan-

tages of FCC Industrial’s proprietary

technology? Can this technology be

extrapolated to the management of ga-

lleries, railways, and other infrastructu-


It should be noted that FCC Industrial has

been developing its technology platform for

a couple of decades and that we have im-

plemented it in more than 90 tunnels and

that we are continuing to develop our fourth

generation. Therefore, this technology has

a long-track record.

We believe that we have been able to incor-

porate the advanced knowledge of many

clients in our products and that we have

built a very friendly and easy-to-use tech-


The FCC Industrial platform is capable of

monitoring all types of critical and complex

infrastructures (railways, tramways, brid-

ges, galleries, buildings, industrial comple-

xes). It is precisely in these areas where we

are focusing our research and development
