FCC Industrial has proprietary technology for the
smart transport sector, developed by our Sys-
tems Division as part of several R+D+i programs.
The AVANZA platform of FCC Industrial has a
wide range of innovative products incorporating
the most advanced electronics, communications,
and software.
AVANZA management applications: SCA-
DA control software, GMAO maintenance
Control equipment: ERU tunnel control
station, ADR traffic counter stations,
SOS emergency posts.
Proprietary technology
Main projects
SCADA AVANZA control software modules for tunnels.
ADR 4500 traffic counters and control station.
FCC Industrial has deployed comprehensive projects involving
electromechanical installations, safety systems and control
centres for road and railway tunnels and service galleries. The
following are some examples of these projects:
Traffic management, SCUT toll, Control of 30 tunnels in
the ER-1 express road and Control Centre in Funchal (Ma-
deira-Portugal, VIALITORAL).
Traffic management, shadow toll, control of 18 tunnels in
the C16, C17, C25 roads, and the Puig-Reig control cen-
tre (Barcelona-Spain, CEDINSA).
Traffic management, control of 6 tunnels n A23 and the
Monrepós management centre (Huesca-Spain, Ministry of
Public Works).
Traffic management system and control of six tunnels on
the Nuevo Necaxa-Tihuatlán Motorway (Puebla- Mexico,
Comprehensive management of lighting, energy efficiency,
traffic lights and underground galleries (150 km) (Madrid
City Council-Spain).
Civil Protection and Safety facilities at the Vigo-Das Macei-
ras high speed railway tunnel (Pontevedra-Spain, ADIF).