On the Saturday before World Water Day,
more than 400 visitors, most of them families
with their children, enjoyed the unique
opportunity offered by Severomoravské
Vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava (Czech
Republic). SmVaK Ostrava opened the
doors for the public at its wastewater
treatment plants in the cities of Opava, Novy
Jicin, Karviná and Frýdek-Místek (Sviadnov)
and the Nová Ves potable water treatment
plant in Frýdlant nad Ostravicí. The facilities
were completely full and the mass media of
the region accompanied the visitors during
the tour and the plants did not interrupt
their operations on that date.
In Nová Ves, visitors learned about the
distribution of water from the Šance
reservoir which is supplied as water fit for
drinking to the clients who live in nearly 60
cities and towns in the region as well as in
the border with Poland.
Those who visited the four wastewater
treatment plants toured the facilities
following the line of water; from the
entry of wastewater to the point where
it is discharged after its treatment. Plant
personnel explained the processes and the
parameters in water which are controlled
before being discharged in the natural
Besides the tour which included a detailed
description of the process, visitors were
able to watch a tank truck filled with
wastewater that is used to clean the sewers
and the rainwater drainage systems.
Photo of the members of the Alliance for Sustainable Water Management in Ibiza
and Formentera during their first collaboration meeting.
One of the activities in 2016 was the
visits to the facilities where more than 200
students from Santander toured the water
catchments that supply the city. The potable
water treatment plant in Denia (Alicante)
received 300 fourth grade students who
had the opportunity of gaining first-hand
knowledge of the end-to-end water cycle.
The Santa Eulàlia and Ibiza desalination
plants opened their doors to welcome more
than 500 schoolchildren who were able
to discover the process used for bringing
drinking water to their homes.
Coinciding with the celebration of World
Water Day, a presentation was organised on
“Alliance for sustainable water in Ibiza and
Formentera” in which FCC Aqualia plays an
important role. The association was created
as a space for dialogue, transparency, and
consensus-building among the players
representing the collective interests in water
management in the Balearic Islands which
cyclically suffers from draughts that have a
significant impact on water reserves.
In Miajadas, the residents of the retirement
home accompanied students from Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús and García Siñeriz
schools in their tour of the potable water
treatment facilities.
Ávila …
The city councils of other cities where
FCC Aqualia operates, such as Vigo,
Salamanca, and Avila, seized the occasion
and launched several activities to create
awareness and encourage the involvement
of children and adults in the responsible use
of water.
In Olivenza, Extremadura, the head of the
service spoke before a group of students
from Francisco Ortiz School on the end-to-
end water management cycle.