And in order to be able, after the official
approval of all these changes, to duly and on
time organise an information campaign, we
decided to schedule everything for January,
after the Christmas stress would be over
and when it would be more appropriate to
inform our business partners as well as the
public at large about these major changes.
Since these changes concern the entire
country, the information campaign covered
all regions in which the companies do
business. All partners, clients as well as
the public were informed by both placing
advertisements in the printed media,
and by making announcements on the
Internet search engine. Besides that, all
our major clients and partners received a
letter with this information, and in addition
the information were also distributed in the
form of an insert to invoices mailed to them.
FCC Environment
From January
The new
face of .A.S.A.
In towns and cities in which our firm has a
strong presence, we have being spreading
the information also by means of a billboard
We embarked on a very extensive
campaign, as the changes concern 14
individual companies, and in respect of
each of them it was essential to ensure
that their clients and partners were fully
informed about them.
Hand-in-hand with this campaign, there has
also been a relatively extensive undertaking
involving replacing the old and displaying
the new logo in all our premises and outlets,
on all our equipment and vehicles, and at all
our business facilities.
This decision to change required the
involvement of the entire Czech CCSR
department whose responsibility it was to
organise and execute an especially visual
campaign, but also of all IT colleagues,
operation and sales staff, financial
departments, head office secretariat and
others whose responsibility it was to
ensure that these changes were projected
into internal documents, systems and
processes and whose responsibility it was
to also inform all relevant government
authorities and institutions. In addition, all
of this had to be done so that as of 1st
February all legislative requirements are met
and satisfied.
Successful accomplishment of this goal
can be credited not only to the departments
which were in charge of the rebranding
programme, but also to every single
employee of the FCC companies in the
Czech Republic.