Alumni Global Search
FCC selects the best
university talent through
edition of the Classroom
for Entrepreneurs organised
by Fundación Prevent
in Madrid
The FCC Group and Alumni Global Search,
the largest university job notice board, have
entered into a collaboration agreement to
promote the incorporation of college profiles
or recent graduates in the company.
Cristina Rodríguez, the manager of FCC’s
People Development Department, Zulema
Mateos, head of FCC’s Talent Management,
and Nacho Travesí, the director of Alumni
Global Search España, have sealed the
basis for this collaboration.
FCC and Alumni Global Search join
forces to address juvenile unemployment,
incorporating in the Company the young
students who best meet the job criteria
to complete their training, acquire
professional experience, and the necessary
competencies for joining the job market.
Alumni Global Search looks for the best
students and recent graduates who
meet the requirements and fit in with
the company’s corporate culture for its
recruitment process among the more
than 100,000 university students who are
registered in its platform.
FCC is committed to in-house training on
the subjects, in which it specialises, thereby
aligning the company’s achievements with
the projection of those who work at the
The university students who finally join the
human team f the Citizen Services Group
will contribute to ensure that the countries
where the Group operates has eco-
efficient infrastructures and services in the
best surroundings based on participative,
attractive and professional work.
Fundación Prevent celebrated in Madrid
the award ceremony for the 1st Edition of
the Classroom for Entrepreneurs which
rewards and recognises talent, innovation,
health, and social inclusion by providing aid
to university students, entrepreneurs, and
athletes who have some sort of disability.
The program combines classes given by
ESADE professors and also counts with
the altruistic collaboration and participation
of private companies that are references in
their respective business sector, such as
FCC since, among the objectives of the
Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility
area is to promote equal opportunities and
prevent any type of discrimination in job
Representing the Citizen Services Group
and accompanying the entrepreneurs was
Cristina Rodríguez Agudín, director of
People Development, Juan Carlos Saez
de Rus, manager of Occupational Safety,
Health, and Welfare. There were also other
speakers who collaborated and discussed
FCC participated
in the program
the subjects included in the training
courses, including Ana Benita Aramendía,
corporate director of Labour Relations,
the Legal Counsel, and Safety and Health;
Zulema Mateos Navacerrada, head of
Talent Management; and Ana Mercedes
Álvarez Diaz, from the People Development