arrives at the second
station of the north
section of Line 5 of the
Riyadh Metro
Last 11 February, the “San’ah” tunnel-
boring machine (TBM) arrived at the second
station “5C1 in King Abdel-Aziz Road” of the
north section of Line 5 of the Riyadh Metro.
The machine drilled 35 kilometre of a
total 4.9 km section corresponding to the
distance of the three stations.
The machine’s arrival at the second
station marks an important milestone and
represents a great advance, as explained
by Jaime Freyre, the manager of the FAST
Project: “firstly because it means that we are
ahead of schedule and, secondly, because
we are getting closer to the beginning of the
next phase: the construction of the tracks”.
Finance deal for the Metro de Lima
by the Project Finance International magazine
The Metro de Lima Line 2 Consortium
won the Americas Deal of the Year
award in the public-private partnership
category, granted by the Project Finance
International magazine (PFI) for the
finance secured to build this metropolitan
line that will connect Lima and Callao and
which will include the Gambetta Avenue
– Faucett Avenue section of the future
Metro Line 4 in Lima, Peru.
The prize was collected at the award
ceremony held in London by the
representatives of the companies
comprising the Concession Company
(Iridium Concesiones, Cosapi, FCC,
Ansaldo STS, Ansaldo Breda, and Salini-
The project finance was the biggest ever
finance transaction in international markets
undertaken by Peru for an infrastructure
The tunnel-boring machines
ready to travel to Peru
project. The project financing guarantees
the funds to construct 35 kilometres of
heavy underground metro between Ate
and Callao, which, when inaugurated, will
be able transport 660,000 passengers
per day, a capacity which could double as
demand increases.
PFI is a financial publication of the Thomson
Reuters Group that specialises in Public-
Private Projects (PPP) of a global scope.
The prize is among the most prestigeous
in the sector.
“San’ah” will continue drilling the north
section of Line 5 (green line) until it makes its
way to “Riyadh Airbase Roundabout” where
it will meet the second tunnel which is being
drilled by the TBM “Dhafrah”, the first tunnel-
boring machine which started to drill in the
Riyadh Metro project to complete the 12.9
km stretch of Line 5.
the tunnel-boring