has entered into numerous collaboration
agreements with various official and
private organizations for internships. These
agreements include those signed with the
Regional Employment and Training Service
(SEF, Spanish acronym); with professional
training centres and universities as well
as private agreements with the Centro
de Formación San Nicolás, Fundación
Formación y Empleo Emilio González
(FOREM-CC.OO.) and Centro 3000
Some of these agreements were aimed
at obtaining the professional certificate,
such as the private agreements with the
organization known as La Huertecica which
is dedicated to integrating people at risk
of social exclusion, and with the company
Limpieza e Higiene de Cartagena, an
agreement subsidised by the Regional
Employment and Training Department and
co-financed by the European Social Fund.
In addition to these private agreements,
there were other collaboration agreements
with Professional Education Training
Centres in accordance with Organic Law
FCC Medio Ambiente
enters into
agreements with
universities and
private centres
for professional