The Basque Government
FCC Ambito’s environmental performance
FCC Ámbito was awarded a diploma by the
Basque Government for the environmental
management system implemented at the
Ziérbana facilities in Vizcaya. The lendakari
(president) of the Basque Government,
Iñigo Urkullu Renteria, presided the award
Julio Rodríguez Sesmero, head of the FCC
Ámbito contract n Ziérbana, and Roberto
Rivera Eguía, coordinator of Occupational
Hazard Prevention and the Environment of
FCC Ambito’s North Branch, collected the
diploma that was awarded for the five years
of efforts and commitment to the European
Eco-Management and Audit (EMAS)
The award ceremony coincided with the
20th anniversary of the EMAS Environmental
Certificate. The Basque Government also
recognized the commitment of the 28
companies that were recently registered in
the EMAS Register of the Basque Country.
The EU management and audit
system (EMAS) is a voluntary tool used
throughout the European Union. It helps
companies and organizations improve
efficiency in managing their resources,
minimising hazards, and set an example of
commitment to respecting and taking care
of the environment.
Description of the implemented system
The plant is able to classify, sort,
process, re-package,, label, and store
all waste classified as hazardous
in the European Waste Catalogue
in force, except for radioactive,
explosive, and infectious waste.
The Environmental Quality and Management System at the Ziérbana facility,
implemented in accordance with UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004
Standards, and Regulation 1221/2009, ensures the prevention and control of
environmental aspects in all waste management activities.
The system’s objective is to ensure that the company complies with current laws,
standards, and commitments that have been embraced by the company or by the
Division’s Management.
It identifies the achievable environmental objectives in line with the Environmental
Policy by applying the resources required to fulfil these objectives.
It is integrated in the organization’s general management system, defining the
organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and
resources required for putting the Environmental Policy into practice.
It contemplates a specific training plan that includes creating awareness and
training all personnel in responsible environmental practices.