FCC Aqualia,
awarded in Saudi Arabia for its
contribution towards modernising water sector
The Governor of Riyadh (H.R.H Prince
Faisal Bin Bandar Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud)
presented the Award for Water to Javier
Díaz, manager of FCC Aqualia in Saudi
Arabia, during the Saudi Water Electricity
Forum (SWEF) held in Riyadh.
FCC Aqualia’s team at the stand after receiving
the prize. From left to right: Pablo Contreras, from
the Communication Department; Javier Garcia,
Manager of the wastewater treatment plant in
Mecca; Javier Esteve, Financial & Administration
Manager; Javier Díaz; Carlos García, technical
manager of the Riyadh sectioning project; and
Antonio Olivas, Project Manager in Riyadh.
The Governor of Riyadh
(H.R.H. Prince Faisal Bin
Bandar Bin Abdul-Aziz Al
Saud) has presented the
SWEF Award for Water to
FCC Aqualia for the work
it has carried out over the
last five years
El ministro de Agua y Electricidad de Arabia Sau-
dí (en la imagen, charlando con Javier Díaz), se
interesó por la situación del proyecto de secto-
rización de la red que FCC Aqualia lleva a cabo
en Riad.
Endorsed and supported by the Ministry of
Water and Electricity, the SWEF is the main
calendar event in for the water and electricity
industry in Saudi Arabia. Key players in the
sector, such as the National Water Company
and the SalineWater ConversionCorporation
(government agencies that manage supply,
sewerage and desalination in the country),
gathered to discuss the priorities in these
sectors or how the low oil prices have an
impact on current policies in these fields.
Groundbreaking solutions in the
Middle East
This award acknowledges the work carried
out by FCC Aqualia in the Middle East,
where the company has been at the forefront
in terms of managing major contracts.
FCC Aqualia became the first company to
secure a water management contract in the
Middle East with the implementation project
of an innovative improvement plan for the
drinking water supply network of the Saudi
capital, Riyadh. In this sense, FCC Aqualia
has initiated a plan to search for and repair
leakages in the city’s water network. Its
efforts have helped to minimise the number
of incidents and increase the efficiency ratio
of the network that provides water to a
population of 6 million people.
As an example of the synergy, the company’s
knowledge of the networks ensured that it
was allocated works in 2014 and 2015 by
other companies in the FAST Consortium,
including the modification of the water
network layout and the services affected by
the construction of the corresponding metro
The award also recognises the role FCC
Aqualia played in the management of the
Hadda and Arana wastewater treatment
plants in Mecca. Since last year, the
company has been managing both
wastewater treatment plants which have
a maximum flow capacity of 375,000
cubic metres. This project falls within the
framework of the program carried out by
Saudi Arabian authorities which aims to
transform and modernise the country’s
water cycle management.
In the United Arab Emirates, FCC Aqualia
manages the sewerage and purification
system in the eastern area of Abu Dhabi.
This commission was the first to be awarded
to a Spanish company in the United Arab
Emirates and includes the operation and
maintenance of a wastewater sewerage
network stretching more than 2,400
kilometres, with 68 wastewater pumping
stations and 19 wastewater treatment plants
in the city of Al Ain (in the western area of
Abu Dhabi, at the border with Oman) and
the surrounding areas.
In addition to these projects, FCC Aqualia
works in sewerage system management in
the Qatari city of Al Dhakhira. The project,
awarded at the end of 2014 for 300
million euros, entails the construction of a
wastewater treatment plant that will manage
an average flow of 56,200 m
per day and
will serve more than 205,000 people.
The governor of Riyadh (Prince Faisal bin
Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud) gives the SEF
Award for Water to Javier Díaz, FCC Aqualia’s
representative in Saudi Arabia, for his work
during the last five years.