To refurbish the electricity grid
FCC Industrial won the contract for
refurbishing the distribution grids and for
upgrading the electricity meter systems
for the State Corporación Dominicana de
Empresas Eléctricas Estatales (CDEEE) in
the Dominican Republic.
Last December, CDEEE organized an
international tender process for the supply
and installation of the equipment necessary
for refurbishing the electricity grid in
different parts of the island. FCC Industrial
submitted the best technical and financial
offer in the various lots. The entire contract
totals the sum of 16.1 million euros and the
execution term is 12 months.
The scope of the contract includes the
revamping of the electricity consumption
measurement systems thereby regularizing
clients and/or users. It also contemplates
the refurbishment of the medium and
low voltage grids, the installation of
electricity distribution transformers, and the
standardisation of supplies.
Thanks to this infrastructure, FCC
Industrial will make it possible to improve
Dominican Republic
The contract
is worth 16.1 million